Panacur Equine Guard liquid horse wormer. A benzimidazole wormer given preferably in November and/or January to eliminate encysted small redworms. Panacur Guard is given daily for five days. This five day course will of course also treat any other worms sensitive to Panacur including most worms other than tapeworm and Bots. Dosing is 5ml per 65 kg bodyweight daily mixed with grain or concentrate daily for five days. It is suitable for pregnant mares and young foals. A course may be given at any time of the year to bought-in horses or others where the worming history is not known. One bottle will treat a 600kg horse (225ml).
Presentation A 10% suspension of Fenbendazole as a ready to administer oral anthelmintic for horses. 1ml Panacur Equine Guard contains 100mg active ingredient Fenbendazole. Uses For the treatment and control of adult and immature roundworms of the gastro-intestinal tract in horses and other equines. Panacur Equine Guard is effective for the treatment and control of encysted mucosal 3rd and 4th stage small strongyle larvae and is also effective against encysted inhibited 3rd stage small strongyle larvae in the mucosa. Panacur Equine Guard is also effective in controlling other immature and mature roundworms including large redworm (Strongylus edentatus and Strongylus vulgaris) and migrating large redworm, Ascarids (Parascaris equorum), Oxyuris and Strongyloides species and benzimidazole susceptible adult and immature small strongyles. Panacur Equine Guard also has an ovicidal effect on nematode eggs.