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NAF Gastraid 3.6kg


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For horses and ponies with a history of compromised gastric health, or when signs dictate. When to feed: Feed for daily protection from stress related gastric problems and defend the stomach wall from acid attack. Feeding Instructions: Weight g per day scoops per day Horses Loading rate (3-10 days) 120g 6 scoops Maintenance 60g 3 scoops Ponies Loading rate (3-10 days) 80g 4 scoops Maintenance 40g 2 scoops Maintenance levels may be adjusted to suit the individual and is not strictly according to size. One 25ml scoop provides approx 20g. A 1.8kg pot of Gastriaid fed at 60g per day will last 30 days.

Additional information

Weight3.6 kg