Dr John Hypoallergenic Chicken with Oats is a chicken-based hypoallergenic dog food, made without wheat, suitable for working dogs with sensitive stomachs or those who have difficulty digesting wheat.
Dr John Hypoallergenic Chicken with Oats can be fed dry, or with water or gravy as preferred. When feeding for the first time, introduce the food gradually over a few days. The amount suggested in the daily feeding guide can be given in one or more meals. Individual dog’s requirements can vary so adjust the amount fed based on condition and activity. Always ensure fresh drinking water is readily available at all times. To store, we recommend keeping the food in a closed container in a cool dry place.
Suitable for: Adult & Senior Dogs
Barley, poultry meal (26% chicken), maize, chicken fat, oats (4%), chicken gravy, vegetables (4% peas), minerals, linseed, yucca extract.
Nutrient Breakdown