A ready to use, blue coloured solution for the treatment and prevention of ticks, headflies, biting lice and blowfly strike on sheep.
Crovect treats lice for up to 14 weeks, ticks for up to 9 weeks and headfly for up to 4 weeks.
Crovect protects against blowfly strike for 6-8 weeks and treats established strike. It contains 1.25% w/v Cypermethrin. Use On: Sheep and lambs.
Not to be used in lambs less than 1 week old. Not to be administered to animals producing milk for human consumption.
Standard Dosage: A use of the Crovect applicator is suggested for administration.
For Lice: 5 ml per 20 kg bodyweight, up to a maximum of 20 ml for sheep over 60 kg.
For Ticks: Lambs under 10 kg administer 5 ml followed 3 weeks later by a 10 ml application. Adult sheep and lambs over 10 kg administer 10 ml per 20 kg bodyweight, up to a maximum of 40 ml for sheep over 60 kg.
For Headflies: 5 ml per animal irrespective of size. For Blowflies: For animals up to 25 kg administer 20ml. To animals between 25-40 kg use 30ml.
For animals over 40 kg use 40ml.
Do not administer to animals of less than 12.5kg bodyweight at the blowfly prevention dose.